Business Norms vs Business Necessity. The Four Key “Why’s” Industries Are Now Revisiting.

Over the past few weeks, we have been speaking with our customers in order to understand how we can help them leverage the power of NetSuite to pivot quickly and get back to business. Through discussions with many business owners and C Levels, we are finding an interesting commonality in these conversations.

As leaders in their industries, our customers are looking at ways they can evaluate what in some cases has been decades of ‘business as usual’ and transform their strategies to make the most of the ‘new normal’.

1. Communication – Technology Supporting Collaboration Between Customers and Colleagues

It is no secret that at this point in time, Video Communication Platforms such as Zoom, Skype and Microsoft Teams are keeping the world turning. Both in business and in people’s homes, these cloud technologies are helping people connect, communicate and collaborate. Whilst this technology is not new, its place in everyday life has been hugely amplified and is making it easier for everyone to go about their work, education and personal lives.

This is largely possible due to the leaps and bounds we have made in recent years when it comes to internet speed and infrastructure and the lowering of costs to high-speed internet and data. In addition to this, the quality of camera lenses and the prevalence of video recording technology in most smart devices means that accessing this new communication channel is very much possible for the majority of people.

2. Travel – Risk vs Reward

At Klugo, travel is very common across our teams. From our Business Development Consultants who fly around Australia to conduct on-site discovery sessions and software demonstrations through to our NetSuite Consulting Team who regularly attend customer sites to run training sessions and provide Go Live support, travel is a part of the job.

Whilst face to face contact with our customers is highly beneficial, we have found that by changing our processes we have been able to maintain a high level of service and customer satisfaction.

Similarly, our customers in the interest of the safety of their team’s have welcomed the way we are currently delivering NetSuite implementations and appreciate that we are able to push forward despite the challenges.

3. Physical Presence and Productivity

Another common conversation item is the impact that a lack of physical presence of team members in their offices has had on their productivity and efficiency of communication. In most cases, our customers have reported that they were able to quickly mobilise a ‘work from home’ plan for any non-essential staff since NetSuite can be accessed anywhere, anytime on any device.

Whilst face to face contact is hugely important in building relationships and ensuring clarity during conversations many business owners are exploring the potential benefits of expanding their legacy ‘work from home’ policies such as a reduction in required office space, increase in productivity from team members and increase in their ability to support work-life balance.

4. Technology – Mobility, Adaptability and Agility Are Key

In some cases, our customers have chosen to maintain some legacy systems that often times are either cloud-hosted or on-premise. This could be for a number of reasons such as prioritising mission-critical functionality at go-live or needing industry specialised functionality. Interestingly, we are now hearing a number of our customers are wanting to use the NetSuite development platform in order to bring this functionality into NetSuite and move towards their desired end-state of a single platform of technology.

We are excited to be able to help our customers get back control of their businesses very quickly, whether through new NetSuite module implementations, or custom development. If you are interested in learning how our team of NetSuite experts can help your business, feel free to reach out and discuss your requirements with one of our NetSuite professionals.

Feel free to call an expert in Enterprise Resource Planning Systems today. Find out how NetSuite cloud-based technology can make your retail business an agile and flexible support for your business.

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Industry experts, certified developers, agile process. We value mateship, teamwork, and creating lasting partnerships.

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