Xero vs NetSuite. Migrate to Cloud ERP in 45 Days.

Products like MYOB and Xero provide outstanding accounting functionality. However, as businesses grow and prepare for the future, they find that the complexity of managing their distribution operations increases, and the limits of these entry-level software packages can become a daily frustration.

Suitesuccess Starter is the ideal solution for growing businesses to painlessly upgrade from stand-alone accounting packages and offers functionality to streamline your inventory management, demand planning, work order and more. If you re sinking in a sea of systems, spreadsheets, integrations, API’s, read on.

Differences in Xero vs NetSuite.

While Xero and NetSuite are ranked amongst the best online accounting solutions in the world, their scope and targets are different. Xero’s aims to solve day to day accounting and is not part of a larger suite. NetSuite, on the other hand, is part of a comprehensive and integrated suite integrated ERP/CRM at lower cost than traditional vendors like SAP or Microsoft Dynamics.

Both Xero and NetSuite Financials provide a full range of accounting capabilities like accounts receivable and payable, integrated banking and reconciliation, invoicing and billing, expense tracking, reporting, tax management, payroll, budgeting, and forecasting, etc. But NetSuite covers a wider range of services like CRM, e-commerce, project management, business intelligence, work orders, field service management and others.

NetSuite as more complex product to configure, typically required a several months implementation, but since the introduction of SuiteSuccess Starter Edition, Oracle+NetSuite’s newest product offering, it has revolutionised the way that small and medium-sized businesses approach upgrading from entry-level accounting packages. It can be implemented sometimes as fast as in 45 days.

The solution is an out-of-the-box NetSuite Edition, pre-built with the leading practices for a growing small business, incorporating tailored dashboards, roles, workflows and more. SuiteSuccess Starter edition provides core functionality across:

  1. Accounting and Financial Management.
  2. Sales, Marketing and CRM Management.
  3. Operations and Business Intelligence.
  4. Inventory and Warehouse Management.

For over 20 years, NetSuite has been the leader in Cloud ERP for Distributors and boasts some of the world’s leading wholesalers as happy clients.

SuiteSuccess, Your Step-by-Step Guide

Cloud technology has taken hold. Leaders in their industries have already adopted the latest technology as it provides real-time information, access from anywhere in the world, and a better end user experience.

SuiteSuccess is NetSuite’s latest innovation designed to expand businesses upgrade their legacy systems to an industry-tailored out-of-the-box business management platform.

The rapid implementation model is only possible due to the leading practices already built into the SuiteSuccess platform. Hours of implementation and scripting effort has been bundled into the account from the first day, which means customers and implementation partners can focus on loading customer, vendor, item and inventory data into the system, and move into testing without having to build the system from the ground up.

What are the leading practices?

For over 20 years, NetSuite has dominated the Cloud ERP space. With the combined learnings of thousands of implementations, NetSuite has taken this information to build out standard industry practices including a chart of accounts, reports, dashboards, roles, and custom information to give wholesale distributors a platform to grow.

How do you know if SuiteSucess is right for you?

There are four common situations where SuiteSuccess rapid implementation provides a superior experience for customers:

1. You are facing severe time constraints.

  • You are currently using a legacy system or version that is going to become unsupported, or your contract is nearing expiry.
  • You are starting a new business, with tight timeframes to commence operations.

2. Your current software is preventing growth.

  • Legacy systems are preventing you from acquiring new business, or improving current processes to allow for the management of increased demand.
  • Your business model has changed, and existing processes and procedures do not translate to the new business strategy.

3. You are hiring more people to handle growth.

  • You’re hiring for labour that could otherwise be handled through process improvement and automation.
  • You’ve hired more sales, accounting or warehouse staff to compensate for inefficient systems.

4. Your customer service level has dropped due to increased demand.

  • You do not have internal knowledge of best practices and need support to ensure that you are operating in the best possible way.
  • You’ve lost staff in the business that helps key knowledge in business operations.
  • Your staff are being stretched too thin as the business grows.

Klugo are leaders in leveraging the power of NetSuite. As a 5 Star NetSuite Partner, we help businesses take their first step into ERP, and support their ongoing journey to maximise their investment in Cloud ERP technology.

Feel free to call an expert in SuiteSuccess. Find out how NetSuite cloud-based technology can transform your business.

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