Technological Innovations in the HVAC Industry

Like everything else, the HVAC industry has become more tech-driven in the 21st century. That applies to the way heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems function, as well as how businesses that install and service that equipment run their operations. Few aspects of HVAC haven’t been transformed by technology…for the better.

Businesses that embrace and incorporate these technologies sooner put themselves at a distinct competitive advantage. They look more compelling to customers seeking the best in HVAC; they increase revenues and profit margins by selling more advanced equipment and the service that goes with it; they cut costs by fine-tuning how they utilise resources like inventory and field techs. Today’s innovations promise to push every important metric in the HVAC industry in a positive direction.

Which innovations in particular? These technologies are having a broad, deep, and lasting impact on the industry right now:


Software-Enabled HVAC

Software that collects and analyses data on HVAC systems provides techs with valuable insights into usage patterns, performance trends, and system status.

These insights help tech optimise performance and streamline maintenance and repairs because they have visibility into the HVAC system as a whole, as well as the constituent parts. The most advanced systems utilise automation to achieve the highest levels of efficiency and performance.


Environmentally-Friendly HVAC

Demand for “green” solutions has led some HVAC businesses to begin installing solar panels and wind turbines. Many others are updating older equipment with energy-efficient alternatives that heat and cool in the same way but with a much smaller carbon footprint.

Technology is also making geothermal viable on a much larger scale. The market for energy-efficient HVAC is projected to grow 11% annually between 2018 and 2022. Companies set up to install and service these tech-driven HVAC systems will stand out in the market.


Predictive Maintenance

Instead of performing proactive maintenance on schedule and reactive repairs as needed, technology enables predictive maintenance: when HVAC techs respond to an issue before it causes problems. Sensors embedded in HVAC systems can provide this advanced warning, along with a diagnosis of the issue.

Performing predictive maintenance reduces the long-term cost of HVAC for users and increases the value of businesses equipped to provide this service.


Enterprise Resource Planning

Running an HVAC business through an enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform like Netsuite gives it a centralised portal for all the data it has and every workflow it performs across departments: sales, customer service, technical support, invoicing, routing, and many more. One thing missing from Netsuite and other ERP options is robust HVAC field service software – an important tool for any businesses in this industry. NextService fills that gap.

Our HVAC management software integrates seamlessly with Netsuite and addresses the most challenging aspects of making field service work for all involved. It handles scheduling, dispatching, planning in the field, inventory management, and more, all through a purpose-built tool that links into the ERP.

All of the technologies on this list deserve a deeper dive because they will come to define what HVAC looks like in coming years. But the final entry merits extra consideration. ERP systems supplemented with HVAC service and dispatch software provide the infrastructure necessary to make new products and advanced service offerings work from a business perspective.

With new technology comes new complexity and new expectations. HVAC companies will need to operate at a higher standard than anyone did in the past and fire on all cylinders. ERP that handles everything, including field service management, makes that possible by providing 360-degree visibility, top-down controls, and data-driven insights into every decision that matters.

What do those tools look like in the hands of the user? How could they improve your own efforts around field service, growth, and adaptation? Get clear answers from a team that understands the HVAC industry, past and future. Contact Klugo for a consultation or demo.


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